Articles by Pod

Pod Powers Global Mentoring Initiative for Afghan Women and Girls

Written by Admin | Apr 30, 2024 4:13:07 PM

In a world clamoring for gender equality, Afghanistan faces a stark reality, ranking last among 146 countries in the Gender Equality 2024 report. It is against this backdrop that the Million Women Mentors Initiative for Afghan Women and Girls (MWMA) provides hope and progress. Launched officially by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during the U.N. General Assembly events in 2022, MWMA has set a formidable goal: to secure mentorship commitments for one million Afghan women and girls both domestically and internationally by 2027.

At the heart of MWMA's operational success is the Pod technology platform, an innovative solution facilitating meaningful connections between mentors and mentees globally. This secure community platform provides a bridge to a future where Afghan women can realize their full potential through education, guidance, and the support of a global community dedicated to their empowerment and success.

This ambitious endeavor seeks to counteract gender disparities through mentorship, aiming to foster economic resilience and unlock unprecedented growth and personal development opportunities for Afghan women and girls. Corporate entities worldwide are called upon to join this transformative cause, with Deloitte stepping up as a primary business sponsor within Afghanistan, showcasing an unwavering commitment to social responsibility.

Pod's involvement in MWMA is part of a broader commitment to a global mentoring program as highlighted in three key public-private partnerships with the U.S. Department of State. These initiatives, spanning Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan, leverage Pod's technology to connect mentors and mentees worldwide, showcasing the critical role of digital platforms in advancing social change.

As the initiative unfolds, Afghan girls and women are increasingly gaining access to mentors, heralding a new era of opportunity and empowerment. With the support of corporate partners like Deloitte and the innovative Pod technology, MWMA is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of millions, paving the way for a future where gender equality is not just a goal but a reality.

For more information on this initiative, please contact Dr. Jo Webber at

For more information on MWMA visit: